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The cape pea, or lima bean, is a plant producing seeds of varying sizes. A highly prized legume in Madagascar, it is used both for local consumption and for export. It arrived in Madagascar before the Second World War. Administrations at the time had set up a system of granaries for seed conservation. The white-grain Cape pea was one of the legumes found in these granaries. 



Cape peas are low in fat and high in fiber. The abundant vegetable protein found in this legume is also good for muscles, organs and the brain. 


Special features 

Madagascar is the only country to produce the Cape pea, making it a rare and highly sought-after product. A cousin has been found in Latin America and the USA: the Lima Bean. However, they do not have the same texture. 

Cape peas from Madagascar

SKU: 0012
    • Taste: creamy when cooked
    • Color: white
    • Appearance: seeds
    • Storage: protected from external conditions (heat and humidity)
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